Accessibility doesn’t happen by chance

New conference presentation on conference presentations

Today, there is an encore presentation of work on conference presentation accessibility I helped with. This work was presented back in January at the European meeting of the International Society of Medical Publication Professionals. For the annual meeting, this work got a new version of the poster:

Are conference presentations accessible? Key takeaways: Conference attendees with accessibility needs want online access; uncluttered posters; slides with mixed text/images

I was not involved in the design of this poster apart from offering a few comments. You can see how it compares to the first version on Figshare. I am quite happy with how this version came out!

Wells JL, Faulkes Z, Hannan N, Messina EL, Morrison M, Petersen A Heather Robertson, Lauren C. Strother. 2023. Conference presentation accessibility. figshare. Poster.

The conference website has a nice online version of the poster, along with a seven and a half minute explainer video if that’s your jam.