Critique: Breast cancer inhibition

Today, I’m continuing my critiques of finalists in the American Association for Cancer Research poster competition.


  1. Solid three column layout with most things correctly aligned.


  1. Gray.

  2. Unrelenting gray.

  3. Unrelenting gray in the first place a person looks, the upper left corner.

  4. Although I dislike title bookends, at least these are large and graphic - almost a welcome reprieve from the rest of the poster.

  5. An abstract? Something so short does not need a summary.

  6. Lines dividing text instead of white space - a sure sign of desperation arising from trying to put too much in.

Graphically, this is a more disciplined than yesterday’s poster, but it would benefit greatly from being more concise in the text.Incidentally, you can vote online for these posters. Come back tomorrow for the last finalist in the competition!