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  • "Плакат конференции" is Russian for "conference poster"

"Плакат конференции" is Russian for "conference poster"

The first non-English poster on the blog

Q. What conference poster can you read in a hurry?

A. One that's Russian. 😆

I’ve been interested in seeing (and showing) posters in languages other than English for a while. No contributions so far. Jay Patel suggested I search Figshare. There, I stumbled upon this poster in Russian by Pozhvanov and colleagues:

And a pretty interesting one in graphic design terms, too. Do I know what it’s about? From the graphics, maybe space agriculture?

Google Translate says the title is, “Organization of the actin cytoskeleton in the root of Arabidopsis in microgravity simulation.” Okay, so the visuals were reasonably helpful!

But I would love to show many more posters in languages besides English! The further from the Latin alphabet, the better. Korean, Hindi, or Arabic would be fantastic.

If you know of one or have made one, please let me know. Email me at [email protected].

External links

Pozhvanov G, Sharova E, Medvedev S. 2019. Организация актинового цитоскелета в корне арабидопсиса при моделировании микрогравитации. figshare. Poster. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.11028815.v2