Link roundup for January 2023

The history of conference posters, hyper readiable fonts, and more

Michelle Francl asks why posters are second-class presentations. I could give many reasons to answer that question today, but Francl’s article finds some surprises about poster history.

The original intent was not for posters to become a second-tier presentation, but rather for them to supplant talks almost entirely.

This is an informative two pages. Recommend!

Francl M. 2023. Poster children. Nature Chemistry.

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I like this photo of a scientist ironing her poster, which I spotted on Nature’s Instagram account.

This picture by Michela Milani won a special prize in a photo comp called “Scientists at work.”

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The Atkinson Hyperlegible typeface is designed to remain readable by people with low vision. It should be great for posters.

Hat tip to Hilda Bastian.

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Sigh. I know I’ve seen these two posters by Nevin Lawrence and Andrew Kniss before, and I even think they have been somewhere on the blog before. But I can’t find them by searching my blog so I am sharing them, either for the first time or again.

Two posters making contradictory claims.

Hat tip to Andrea Telatin for reminding me of these.

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Here is a guide for organizing inclusive scientific conferences. It’s excellent, although there is nothing about poster sessions specifically. It’s a little more about guiding principles than nitty gritty details.

Thanks for joining me again in 2023!