Sawyer’s rules for layout

Science fiction writer Robert J. Sawyer was talking about books, but he could have just as easily been talking about posters. Sawyer touches on something I discuss a lot here, namely that designing text information takes effort and craft:

Yes, designing books is actually a job – it’s not something you just wing.

Sawyer’s rules for book layout:

  1. Be conservative.

  2. If you haven’t seen somebody else do it that way before, it’s probably a bad idea.

  3. Actually have a published book at your side while designing your own – to see how it’s done.

  4. Don’t suck.

I would add to #2, “Even if you have seen somebody do it that way, it could still be a bad idea.” This is particularly true for science and research posters, because so many are made by people who are doing their best, but are ultimately winging it.